Don't allow a difficult marriage cripple you
Find out how to navigate in marriage, rediscover yourself, heal from marital scars, and live a transformed life in God while thriving in your God-ordained calling – ministry, business, or career.
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You have heard many women complain about how changing their husbands seem like a heavy load in their marital journey. Maybe that is YOU.
You have been at it for many years, praying among other things, for your husband to change. You have felt frustrated about not seeing any changes till you lost your identity and started nursing regrets over your choice of spouse.
Well, these don’t have to describe you
In 2013, when I started impacting and coaching singles in the areas of experiencing emotional wholeness, personal transformation and healthy relationships, I never wanted to delve into marriage counselling because of the complexities of the issues that I have heard about and those I had to deal with. I just assumed marital issues required some level of deeper knowledge beyond what people see and prepare for.
Fast forward to 2019, the Lord started a deep work in my life which led to my transition into marriage counselling. He took me on a journey where He revealed to me the causes of dark and troubling issues happening in marriages today, which sometimes defy psychological intervention. It became a schooling process as He started to show me answers to questions I had always been bothered about in marriage. For this preparation to be experiential and easy to relate with, the Lord permitted me to deal with some of these challenges because it was going to be an opportunity to understand what people were facing and how to deal with it properly.
Now, I understand why certain things happen in marriages like:
Why two people who previously loved each other suddenly desire to separate and hate the idea of reconciliation?
What makes a husband suddenly despise his wife and begin to feel irritation and hatred instead of tender love?
How a man who chose to marry his beautiful wife begin to view her like a stranger or sibling, thereby leading to a sexless marriage
Why some husbands always say that their wives are responsible for their misfortune?
Why women pray for so many years without any true change in their spouse? What causes this ineffective approach?
How two lovers struggle to agree or understand each other during communication, even when third parties can get their points?
Why some marriage suddenly become a place of intimidation, oppression, abuse, broken identity, confusion, chaos, bitterness, adultery and pain?
Why some in-laws become so bent on interfering and destroying their children’s marriages?
Why patterns repeat themselves in a generation? Patterns like Polygamy, adultery, marital delay, marital crisis, children born out of wedlock, difficulty with conception and divorce?
Why some spouses get so angry to the point of destroying their marriage with negative words and unjustifiable actions?
What Women Have Said

All of these questions became clearer in my journey
Because I am a woman who can easily relate with other women, the Lord gave me the mandate to teach and empower women to learn how to host God’s presence in their homes and bring an end to the darkness in their marriages.
While this may sound like the usual praying wives trend we see, there is a difference to this operation.
At WBN, we are raising:
Women who will become emotionally whole and not desperately attached to their husbands.
Women who will discover and walk in their purpose so as to live an impactful life beyond the walls of marriage.
Women who will engage with their spouses with wisdom, understanding and power, hence resisting the difficulty without many words or plan an intentional exit.
Women who will grow their intimacy walk with God, not for the sake of changing their husbands but for truly becoming the brides of Christ. Thereby empowering them to listen for instructions, take wise counsel and patiently partner with God for the victory, transformation and deliverance they seek.
Women who will end generational patterns, traumas and curses, which have plagued many generations before them, thereby becoming the REPAIRERS OF THE BREACH. This is not limited to your marriage but for YOU. So whether you are in the marriage or you. are out, this will change the operations and patterns in your life.
This journey led to the emergence of WARRIOR BRIDES NETWORK
A warrior bride is a woman who honours the Lord Jesus Christ as her Bridegroom according to Isaiah 54:5 and supernaturally partners with Him to see His kingdom fulfilled on earth, in her life and marriage. A warrior bride is a person she progressively becomes which ultimately affects her home positively. She is a woman who is intentionally hosting the presence of God in her life and stewarding the assignment God has destined for her without limitations.
Warrior Brides Network is a versatile membership-based community, a 12-week FAITH BASED curriculum designed to help women experience emotional wholeness, discover their life purposes, elevate their identities, learn the wisdom for transforming their marriages (because every marriage has a unique blueprint) and then effectively parent their children.

We are focused on a 12-part curriculum which can be accessed via videos, community support, our signature assessment, workbooks, prayer support, prophetic activation, mentors, guest facilitators and other kinds of resources.
The network caters for you if you have strived to no avail to make your marriage work. You have tried talking to your pastors, family members, friends, in-laws and counsellors, but have seen little or no changes.
Notably, after the 12 weeks program, we have a community comprising all past members who continue to provide support, resources and accountability for one another.
Too many women have lost their voices, identities, vision and elegance due to difficult marriages. Some have committed suicide, while others have relegated themselves to a painful life of sickness. Nobody deserves to suffer because of a decision to cleave. If you choose to leave, we will guide you all the way with professional, legal and emotional support.
Happy WBN Members
In Warrior Brides Network, women are guided into the different decisions they need to make. For some, it is a pathway to the transformation they want to experience in their marriage. While, for other women, it is the support and guidance they need to come out of the bondage they have found themselves —without losing their true selves. Even though some women know they need to exit an abusive marriage, they sometimes need a support system to make this possible due to a lack of emotional strength, guidance or finance. WBN is a total program that gives you a robust learning pathway to DISCOVER YOU, RECONNECT WITH GOD AND CREATE A TRANSFORMED MARRIAGE.
You should join WARRIOR BRIDES NETWORK if:
You want to learn how to experience LOVE again in your marriage because you currently feel unloved, neglected and unvalidated in your marriage and no matter what you do, he keeps shutting you away
You want to know how to heal from the effects of emotional and verbal abuse in your home. You desire to heal from emotional trauma, betrayals from a cheating spouse, emotional neglect from your spouse and emotional stress from the marriage.
You struggle with regrets over your choice of partner. You wake up sensing that you have made the wrong choice and fear that frustration is all you may experience in the marriage.
You want to revive your relationship with God as it currently feels like you are struggling with your relationship with God. Your marital challenges have taken so much of your mind that you now struggle to pray, hear God or even engage in any spiritual activity. And even when you try to pray, it feels like there is a stronghold in your mind or a limitation to pray.
You have prayed so much for your marriage to work but nothing seems to be changing. The more you pray, the more you experience spiritual warfare, backlash and a frustrating spouse.
You feel overwhelmed by your marriage, life and parenting. It feels like you are the only one putting in all the effort and this can be truly draining. You are stressed by these.
Your communication is very poor and it is laced with the silent treatment, withdrawal and defensiveness. Every time you initiate conversations with your husband, it always leads to arguments because he will make you feel guilty for all the issues, never listens to you and never choose to change.
You feel that your marriage is under a spiritual attack. You keep having spiritual encounters in your dreams like sex/food in the dream, strangers in your home and a disturbing presence in your midst.
Your marriage is at the edge of a breakup or separation. Every time you argue, your spouse always threatens to leave which makes you walk on eggshells around the house leaving you to wonder if you are loved.
You are seeking better ways to make your marriage work. You desire to speak to someone who is certified in marriage counseling and also understands godly principles and wisdom
You have a great marriage but there is no sense of direction to evolve. It feels like your marriage defines you; you are not achieving purpose outside of your marriage. You want a clearer identity that can empower you to rise and thrive in your marriage.
You desire to be in a community of women who are fervent, passionate, visionary and ready to take the world by storm through the assignments burning in their hearts. Remember, your marriage is not all that concerns you, you were made for more.
We have designed every part of Warrior Brides Network to guide and support you into the transformation journey you desire, thereby winning in your relationship with yourself, with God, with your husband, your in-laws, your children and your purpose — without losing anything
WBN has the following features:
12 Weeks Core Curriculum
Supercharge Community
The most beautiful part of being in WBN is that every woman wants a safe place where she can share, find help and feel loved. Our community is focused on empowering one another to THRIVE. And this continues after the 12 weeks program when we add you to the WBN Family group for all alumnae.
Group Module and Book Reviews
We do not leave you alone to watch the videos all by yourself. We also create time to share our lessons in the community which helps drive the points home. It enables you to catch up and relearn what you already had access to earlier.
Guest Mentors and Empowering Webinars
Each month, we will bring a facilitator who will share a topic that can empower you to THRIVE either as a wife, mother, in your finances or your marriage. This is always a session to look forward to. Some of our webinars are focused MONEY room and THERAPY room, where conversations that can trigger self-discovery, healing and spiritual revival can happen. We also have real, raw and refreshing panel sessions that can empower you greatly with wisdom and counsel.
WBN Motivators.
Our WBN motivators are very intentional and supportive to each small group assigned to them. They guide you in the areas you need help as a wife and mother. They have been on the journey as members and they are holding your hands to give you the help you need. This is a priceless community that tackles your personality struggles and gives you a chance to find help in an enclosed way.
Our signature Assessment – The 5 kinds of Women Personality Assessment
This assessment helps to chunk down who you are at your core. The Bible shows us different kinds of women and how they struggled with their relationship with God, their relationships and their purpose journey. This assessment will show you where you belong and the small groups will be used to provide specific help to your needs.
Workbooks, Prayer Confessions and Additional Resources
Some of our video courses come with a unique workbook, prayer confessions and resources that can elaborate or empower you to understand more of what each content is about.
Prophetic Activations
This is an interesting part of WBN. Prophecies are an important part of every transformation that you will receive. If you have always felt confused about your current challenge, we have a session where you get to be prayed for personally. Thereby helping you know and hear God’s mind about your marital issues. You will also be guided on how to steward God’s promises into manifestations. This is important if you will be transiting from a place of darkness and confusion into LIGHT and CLARITY.
Prayer Meetings and Vigils
We understand that as a warrior bride, your assignment is not only focused on learning but also on praying strategic prayers that can accelerate your victory. We have sessions where we pray together and empower you to rise into all that God has for you
Yearly Retreats and Hangouts
We love to have some fun so, at the end of the year, we always create time to bond and connect with ourselves. Every woman deserves a support system and friendship that lasts.
Remember, DIVINE WISDOM plus DIVINE POWER equals SUPERNATURAL TRANSFORMATION in your life and marriage.
Registration: December 15th, 2024 to January 23rd, 2025
Onboarding begins: January 20th to January 26th.
The program begins on January 24th, 2025
Access to Core Curriculum
Access to Personality Assessment
Access to Confessions, Workbooks, and Additional Resources
Access to Prayers meetings
Access to Prophetic Activation
Small Coaching group with WBN Support Coaches
Access to Empowering Webinars with guest facilitators (Therapy Room, Money Room, Purpose and Intimacy Panel Rooms)
Access to Core Curriculum
Access to Personality Assessment
Access to Confessions, Workbooks, and Additional Resources
Access to Prayers meetings
Access to Prophetic Activation
Small Coaching group with WBN Support Coaches
Access to Empowering Webinars with guest facilitators (Therapy Room, Money Room, Purpose and Intimacy Panel Rooms)
Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages Book (For those in Nigeria)
Thrive Prayer Confessions Book (For those in Nigeria)
Access to WhatsApp Support Chats with Coach Nike (Priority support)
Access to Core Curriculum
Access to Personality Assessment
Access to Confessions, Workbooks, and Additional Resources
Access to Prayers meetings
Access to Prophetic Activation
Small Coaching group with WBN Support Coaches
Access to Empowering Webinars with guest facilitators (Therapy Room, Money Room, Purpose and Intimacy Panel Rooms)
Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages Book (For those in Nigeria)
Thrive Prayer Confessions Book (For those in Nigeria)
Access to WhatsApp Support Chats with Coach Nike (Priority support)
Access to one 60 mins private session) with Coach Nike on Zoom
If you are paying via bank transfer, kindly send an email to with your full details
DO YOU WISH TO SPONSOR A WOMAN? You can pay for a package and add a comment stating that it is a sponsorship or you can do direct transfer and send an email specifying it.
Registration Temporarily Closed.
Join The Wait List

Nike Folagbade (Host)
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She’s a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she’s a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the ‘before and after’ of their marriages.
Jumoke Abimbola Ayegbusi
Jumoke Abimbola Ayegbusi has been commissioned to build the kingdom mindset in the heart of men.
She’s a founder of KINGDOM BUILDERS INTERDENOMINATIONAL FELLOWSHIP ( KBIF), a platform that is expanding the kingdom of God and depopulating the kingdom of darkness.
Singles Of Marriageable Age and Prophetic Hub are the other platforms that were recently birthed by her to the glory of God, and her mission is to Prophetically reveal the mind of God to people.
After Payment What Next?
Here is the full flow after payment
There is a gap in the approach that women have had towards praying for their husbands. They focus so much on praying without applying wisdom, finding themselves or experiencing wholeness. Prayer would not work without the right posture, this program addresses those gaps and shows you a more balanced strategy
I am a woman and can easily be vulnerable with my fellow women. I have another mentoring platform that is focused on men called The Transformed Men Hub. WBN is especially for women to enable us to connect well with one another. who can connect well with each other