
Hear from our Warrior Brides


Over the years I’ve learned so much from you but being a part WBN has really opened my eyes to so many things. From knowing and understanding my identity in God, which has helped me navigate so many hurdles in my marriage, I’ve learned how to listen to God even in the littlest of things. Your lessons have taught me to be alert for any battle, I’ve learned to honor God through my husband even when he’s being really annoying, my eyes remain on God. you’ve taught me to cover my home with prayers and Godly confessions. So many lessons I could share about your classes on WBN but I can shorten it to saying, you’ve made my 1 year plus marriage an easier journey through your sessions.


I came in contact with you just when this course was about to start, I was at a place where I was bitter,  tired, pained and didn’t have a plan on how to face the crisis I was going through in my marriage and life generally.  I had prayed but I needed a laid out plan to work through then WBN came.  In this community I first of all found people with like mind, who wanted to fight for their marriage God’s way.  My first testimony is that I found a tribe, we encouraged each other, walked with each other through our individual struggles,  prayed with and for each other. I need that community and that bond.  Then there was the teaching from you coach,  the practical approaches,  the access we all had to you,  the modules,  prayers, seminars, books it helped me refocus,  remove my eyes from the problem and became solution minded.  I saw were I was erring, I saw were I needed to let go and let God, and today to the Glory of God, the things that causes issues with me and my husband are now better managed. I was able to come out of the hurt I was going through.  Through the teaching I identified what the issues were and their causes.  I was able to map out a plan on how to handle them,  make decisions based on God’s word, wait for God’s voice more and lean on God more to handle the issues.  I got to meet and bond with other women scattered across several states who have now become like sisters even though we have never met. 

 WBN like I always say,  was an answer prayer.  A timely one.


Joining the WBN for me gave me answers to so many questions about marriage I struggled with over the years. I wanted to know why some marriages had just normal everyday life issues and I was faced with more serious issues and the way out. Here I learnt how to turn my pain into strength and even assist other people. I rediscovered myself and rediscovered my focus on God not my spouse.  It’s been an interesting journey and I am still learning. I will be joining the Tribe once the WBN program is over so that i can still have access to valuable information and a support network. Thank you Coach Nike for yielding to God.

Mrs O

The WBN is a robust and well-structured marriage coaching system that leaves the participant yearning to know God more. It’s worth more than every dime spent. I came with a lot of anger and bitterness, and most of my friends were worried about me but now I’m in a much better place and my marriage is being transformed by the day.

Dr Akins

Joining  the WBN was a great decision I took in the first quarter of this year despite my over 25 years of ministry work. Nike Folagbade  is real and dynamic with her messages and teachings and the practicality from scriptures is what stands out for me making me realize that it is not the circumstances we go through in life that  really matters but who we  become in the process and whose we are. WBN  superseded my expectations and honestly  beyond becoming successful in marriage , it has helped me to be a better person and to create a  more intimate  relationship with God in unimaginable realms. I also gained more clarity on the need  to put God at the center of it all hosting his presence with every second that passes. This network is a must for anyone who wants to a be a warrior, worshipper and a true bride of Christ.


The effects of the spiritual is a dimension no one should take for granted and how it affects our lives in the physical. Going through this coaching period was quite stretching as I had to intentionally take out time to listen to the lectures. As they say “anything worth doing is worth doing well’ . Marriage is worth doing and it’s God’s intention for us to do it well. This coaching platform opens the eye to understand what is hindering us from experiencing the desire of the Father and tools not just to apply in marriage, but to develop as an individual. Thank you very much Coach Nike for pouring yourself into this mission of exposing the devil and equipping us with lifelong tools for marriage and truly, life in general


WBN came at a time when I wasn’t really looking to fix any particular issues in my marriage but I knew there were foundational issues that we didn’t talk about and we didn’t even know were existing with us and affecting us. My eyes were opened a lot to more than just the physical aspects to marriage. I started to take my eyes off my spouse and towards God, started to see the way even my own upbringing and personal experiences affected my marriage, basically I started to unlearn a lot of things. I started to enjoy a new level of peace and even enjoy a new level of friendship with my spouse. I realized that I wouldn’t lose my cool or cry uncontrollably like i used to because I had a deeper level of understanding especially being that my spouse wasn’t the enemy. Honestly a lot of people need to know that there is more than the physical level to marriage. WBN not only opened my eyes but gave me a community of like-minded women who prayed together and supported each other when we were feeling low. Or is it coach Nike that will always reply your messages even at the dead of the night. God bless you for letting yourself be used as a bright light coach and exposing the hidden secrets that could wreck marriages


I stumbled on coach Nike’s page on Instagram when I was at the point of leaving my just 18months old marriage. I contacted her so I could have one on one session with her. She told me about warrior bride and I signed up for it. It was indeed a life changing experience for me, she opened my eyes to see and view things in a way I never imagined. I can’t really go into details on how God used her for my growth and my marriage. My marriage took a 360° turn just because I applied her teachings, I was dazed and I’m still dazed. I look at my husband now and I ask myself if I’m dreaming or married to another person. My relationship with my in-laws also got better just because I applied her teachings. I’m grateful to God for the gift of coach Nike. She is a blessing to the world.


Prior to being privileged to join the Warrior Brides Network, I had a lot of issues in my marriage especially regarding intimacy, anger management and purpose discovery. But in the space of 3 months coaching, my eyes have been opened to the dynamics of making my marriage work by Hosting God’s Presence. I now have a better knowledge of God, His love and how to war rightly. I have discovered that nagging, shouting, complaining, whining can NEVER solve any issue. I now know who I really am (my identity) and how God sees me. Just like Mary, I have learnt to lay all at His feet in exchange for His Peace and Rest which I enjoy now more than ever before.  All the modules in the course are power packed,  the WhatsApp group provided a support system that helped me see that I am not alone. Thank you Coach Nike for yielding to God


I’ve learnt loads from the Warrior Bride Network (WBN). Whilst I’ve always known there is a place of God in our marriage, you broke it down personally for me and opened my eyes to the understanding that my husband is not and has never been the problem. I understood that the unsatisfactory actions I was seeing was the devil trying to manifest in my home using myself or my husband every time he got the opportunity.  I still have to unlearn many bad habits but I have learnt to host God’s presence in my home as a priority and speak God’s word consistently over my family and marriage. The program itself was well designed and I loved the weekly videos, confessions and books. WBN exposed me to knowing that it’s okay to ask for help when you need it. The time and patience you invested in us, the zoom meetings, reviews and  chats are very commendable and I can say with my full chest you are indeed a coach. Thank you for answering God’s call. My marriage is sure a testimony that God sent you because I have learned from you without having the general bias of “na dem” when listening to relationship coaches

Video Testimonials

Kemi O

I had booked a one hour session to clarify my thoughts and get an independent assessment on how l was doing managing challenges in my home. I had seen the flier for the Warrior Bride but didn’t feel it could be beneficial. However, after the session Coach Nike suggested l joined and l obliged.  I can say categorically it was a wise decision. I had a refreshing session. 12 weeks of looking forward to the Monday posts, the joint review of the posts as well as book reviews. I was able   to further manage my emotions by focusing more on God rather than the physical realities. I must say it was a 12 weeks  well spent. The WBN is priceless. It created an avenue to share challenges without fear and with the Warrior Brides coming to one’s rescue based on what they have also learnt


I was in a state of spiritual confusion and muddled identity before my participation in the Warrior Brides Network . Funnily, I had been praying to God to lead me to a spirit-filled female, who would share sound scriptural and practical perspectives on marital issues and personal transformation.  When I stumbled on and read Minister Nike’s free e-book, I was led to join her page Marriage Redefined, because I knew deep down that God had finally answered my prayers. My decision to be a part of the WBN was divinely orchestrated. I actually requested for a sign from God and I was amazed by the crystal clear sign I got. I have completed the course and I am awed that I no longer grope in the dark when certain situations arise. She held us by hand, passionately shared her personal journey with us, and I was equipped with  resources which has liberated me from a state of ignorance. Due to the powerful resources, I have a bizarre confidence of who l am in Christ. I am more spiritually intelligent, which has translated to me being in full control of my emotions. I am where I want to be now? Absolutely not, but I have a complete assurance that if I diligently apply all that I have learnt through the Warrior Brides Network, I would not only enjoy a life of dominion  on earth, but my eternal life (and that of my loved ones) is also guaranteed, by being a Light to the World, through the power of God. The program is indeed a catalyst for wholesome transformation


I joined the program because at the beginning of this year I made up my mind to work more on my marriage. This opportunity came my way right on time and I keyed into it. It was an exciting journey for me because I got a confirmation that I’m on track, that the Lord is indeed in my Home working. In fact, I was blessed beyond measure learning how Sister Nike was able to manage every one of us through her leadership prowess. A fulfilling marriage is possible. The right way: the Kingdom way is modelled here and I will encourage you to be a part.

Esther. B

Before I joined the WBN, my life was in a state of confusion, pain, trauma and loosing my mind. As a result of heart break and lack of communication and the toxic marriage experience I was having. Before going further I want to thank Minister Nike, for obeying God by answering his call to save Marriages. The course on identity to start with changed a lot of things in my life as a person, I understood how God sees me which matters above any other person’s thought towards me. I learnt how to host God presence in my home, to be sensitive to everything that happens around me. My prayer life has been restored again. I have been able to rediscover my purpose again I have gained skills in being a better parent. My communication with my husband is back and even more better than it used to be, am beginning to understanding God guidance in my life and family. God turned my pain to gain through this Ministry! Thank you and God bless you, I’m already beginning to help other women/ ladies now better than before, with more wisdom that before.

Bam Ola

If I didn’t come across this program, I would have use my foolishness and hands to destroy my marriage and continued the negative pattern in my family. When I joined the program, my marriage was going through crisis and I had made up my mind that I was definitely going to part ways with my husband, (this was a marriage of 6 months). I had received advice from close relatives to gather a bit of money and stability and then leave the marriage. I was dealing with unforgiveness and resentment towards my husband and he too probably felt the same way. All I saw in him was bad and negative side. This program created a mindset shift. I got to understand, know and feel The Father’s love. I understood my identity and that I cannot derive 100% happiness from my husband, he cannot always make me happy. I understood and witnessed the power of prayer. I now feel respected by my husband. I don’t know how this happens too but I no longer keep records of his offences. This moment, I would feel offended by what he said or did and the next moment I’m talking to him and no longer remember what he has done. This is me that can keep grudge over little things and can give silent treatment. The mindset shift was just mind blowing. I used to live one carefree life, had no belief for deep spiritual things. During this program, my eyes was opened. My sister there are truly foundational problems and the spiritual determines and surely affects the physical. Battles are won in prayers and in the mind.


As a Muslim, I’ve learned so much from you but being a part WBN has really opened my eyes to so many things. From knowing and understanding my identity in God, which has helped me navigate so many hurdles in my marriage, I’ve learned how to listen to God even in the littlest of things. Your lessons have taught me to be alert for any battle, I’ve learned to honor God through my husband even when he’s being really annoying, my eyes remain on God. you’ve taught me to cover my home with prayers and Godly confessions. So many lessons I could share about your classes on WBN but I can shorten it to saying, you’ve made my 1 year plus marriage an easier journey through your sessions


Nike Is God sent to this generation where marriage are being attacked by the forces of darkness. I stumbled on her page on IG while eagerly searching for answers to some of my marital matters which could have broken my marriage. I reached out to her and she held me by the hand and I am currently undergoing her tutelage under the umbrella of the Warrior Bride Network championed by her and I dare to say this program has been my saving grace


Anytime I think about 2 Corinthians 1:4, Nike Folagbade comes to my mind. It’s like God comforted her through some issues in her marriage, so that she can give the same comfort to many other young women going through similar issues. I’ve only known her for just 6-8 months, but it feels like years because she practically connects with the issues I’m going through in my marriage. She has not only been like a guide through my marital struggle but, she has been a pillar of comfort as well. Through her counsels, I’ve experienced many victories in my marriage. I celebrate her for giving herself to the Lord as a vessel to be used to host God’s presence in many homes/marriages. I highly recommend her to any young wife who wants to build a formidable marriage according to God’s Will/Purpose.


I joined the Warrior Bride Network as a single lady. I wanted to be proactive and prepare myself for marriage in advance. The main thing I learned from WBN, is that, Intimacy with God is paramount for a successful marriage and for anything in life. I learned that the partner we marry is not our identity, but our identity is in Jesus Christ. The modules in WBN really went in detail about how our foundation and upbringing can affect our marriages and our lives. The program goes into detail about why we act the way we do and how we must be ready to fight for our marriages, no matter what. I also liked how the WBN became a family of women (a support system) to encourage each other during tough times in marriage. Minister Nike is filled with so much wisdom and knowledge regarding how to tackle the challenges one faces in marriage. I highly recommend this program for both singles and married folks

As a single young lady, I've always desired a Godly and healthy marriage and its been part of my prayers to meet men and women who are walking the path of aligning to God's purpose and plan for marriage. Coach Nike was the vessel God used to teach me several dynamics of marriage, principles written in His word that I didn't think were that important. I'm grateful to God for the privilege to be part of the "Warrior brides network", I would love to do it over again. Thank you coach Nike for availing yourself to do the Lord's work

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