Warrior Brides Network is a versatile membership based community. It is a solution for women who want to grow their intimacy with God, whose desires are to experience transformation in their lives and marriages.
The network caters for women who have strived to no avail to make their marriages work. They have tried talking to their pastors, family members, friends, in-laws and counselors, but have seen little or no changes.
Likewise, it is for women who do not feel loved, fulfilled, seen and understood in their marriages; it is the ideal platform for women experiencing an unusual level of warfare and difficulty in their marriages.

How Does It Work?
It is a 12-week FAITH BASED curriculum designed to help women experience emotional wholeness, discover their life purposes, elevate their identities, learn the wisdom for transforming their marriages (because every marriage has a unique blueprint) and then effectively parent their children.
We are focused on a 12-part curriculum which can be accessed via videos (for a period of three months), community support, our signature assessment, workbook, prayer support, prophetic activation, mentors, guest facilitators and other kinds of resources.
Notably, after the 12 weeks program, we have a community comprising all past members who continue to provide support, resources and accountability for one another.

Who Are the Women That Can Join
Are you a woman who is experiencing rejection, constant conflict, disunity, sudden hatred, lack of attraction (from or towards your spouse), lack of intimacy and ungodly in-law interferences. Perhaps, your spouse and you are from dysfunctional backgrounds, broken homes, experienced polygamy or have faulty foundations. If you also desire to grow in your walk with God, with the aim of truly discovering yourself and nurture your children intentionally, then this program is for you.
The goal is to empower you to live as the BRIDE OF CHRIST and in turn, repair the breach of your foundation and marriage.
About Nike
Nike Folagbade is a Family Life Coach and Counsellor. She teaches and empowers both single and married people with godly and practical strategies — on how to build a blossoming kingdom relationship and marriage via NIKE FOLAGBADE INTERNATIONAL.
She’s a Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Results Coach; an Associate of Family Systems Engineering and a Certified Emotional Intelligence and Anger management coach. Equally, she’s a SYMBIS facilitator, who helps engaged and married couples prepare for the ‘before and after’ of their marriages.
Nike has written over seven books including ‘Get The Ring’, ‘Untold Secrets That Wreck Marriages’, and THRIVE (a prayer confession and devotional, for manifesting a transformed marriage).
Her signature course, Warrior Brides Network, has created a movement of single and married women (in over 10 countries) who are happily hosting God’s presence in their homes — while elevating their identities, discovering purpose, and building their marriages with godly wisdom. You can check this out at www.warriorbridesnetwork.com
She was a relationship contributor on Bella Naija, Women of Rubies and She leads Africa. Nike was listed among the 2019 Edition of the 100 Most Inspiring Young People in Nigeria. You can check out her website www.nikefolagbade.com
She is the founder of the Love and Life Hub platform that equips singles with the right knowledge on love, dating, and purpose via www.loveandlifehub.com
Furthermore, through her ‘Unaddicted Center,’ she helps men and women recover from sexual addictions, using a holistic approach of the ‘Body-Soul-Spirit dimension,’ to help them attain their freedom via the wisdom, healing, and deliverance power of God.
She is the President of ‘The Life in the Ark Global Ministry (LIFA)’ which was divinely birthed to empower people to host God’s presence in their marriages and raise children as battle axes in the hands of God. You can join us via www.thelifeintheark.com
Nike is married to a creative genius Fola, who is building the next Amazon of Africa through a prominent publishing firm, WORITAL. To top it all, they have an amazing son.